Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Baptism By Blog

As we all embark on this new style of communication, it is entirely appropriate to come to an agreement on how we should conduct ourselves. Therefore, in deference to Scott, I believe that we should look no further than applying the principles initiated by uberRotarian Paul Harris, who incidentally was a classmate of mine in the 8th grade.

So let's all commit to memory the following Rotary "Four Way Test" that is detailed below along with my commentary.

  1. Is it the Truth? This may be the most difficult for all of us as we have never let the truth get in the way of a cheap laugh.
  2. Is it Fair to all concerned? Speaking of Fair, this would be the appropriate forum to post such pictures as the World's Largest Corndog.
  3. Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendship? The fact that Scott has invited the womenfolk into this forum is a tremendous step forward . . . perhaps he will soon see the light and recognize their right to pray in public.
  4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? This Blog is a wonderful way to document family milestones such as young Nick's new interest of reading about Thomas the Train while sitting on the porcelain throne. But please, Russ, don't get the idea that you can reenact this photo on the john with the February issue of Popular Science.

With that preamble mercifully over, I am excited to join you all in this exchange of . . . uh, in this exchange. See you at the virtual dinner table where we all fit!

Does Mr. Lockett know that you are playing fast and loose with the good name of Rotary?
I would think twice before I walked down this little path again!
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