Sunday, February 13, 2005


Extreme Dating

In a most unusual cultural doubleheader, Lisa and I attended the UT-Florida basketball game on Saturday afternoon followed by an evening with the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra and Frank Sinatra, Jr. Sandwiched in between was a post-game, pre-symphony meal at the Krystal - that great Gilliam standard for romantic dinners. The Vols went down in defeat to the Gators, but afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful performance by the Symphony and especially Frank Sinatra, Jr. who sang all of his dad's favorites like Summer Wind, NY NY, and I've Got You Under My Skin. The only disappointment was that he did not sing the Sinatra holiday classic --the Woody Woodpecker Song.

I hope you did spring for better seats for Frank Jr's concert than obviously you did for the Basketball game. By the way, I really was not sure if the Vols were still playing.
We bought $5 tix off the street before the game (can you believe the view from that area will cost you $14 per seat?). We of course moved down to the empty season ticket holder seats in the second half. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of scalpers peddling Symphony tickets so I had to buy those at the box office. The cheap seats, of course, but right across the aisle from the expensive ones.
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