Friday, April 29, 2005
The Gilliam Blog - All the Blog While Its Blog
I would like to apologize for my first attempts at Blogging as I am aware that it was not as professional as those contributions of former Union City DailyMessenger Correspondent, Mike Gilliam. Also, I resent not having a spell check associated with this site. Also, while Mike's entries are 'facts laced with fiction', mine apparently have been labeled 'lies laced with facts'. I am also appalled over the latest entry by Mike who is calling for an end the the Corndog Across America Tour. Just when I decide to get involved and struggle to figure this crazy site out, I am denied the pleasure of future entries. Why does Mike get to decide when it ends just because he started it? Is this akin to Reelfoot Lake old-timers who want to claim "reparian rights" on the land that is now underwater? I patiently await input from other members of this site concerning this matter. (After my discussion with Dr. Russ conserning the matter of his brother Scott, who initiated this Blog site but has participated very little, I expect no help from those quarters.)