Friday, October 28, 2005


Confessions of an Expectant Father III

Minivan Of Our Future?

The impending growth of our family has caused Lisa and I to evaluate our transportation priorities for the future. As you know, we have driven our 10-year old vehicles into virtual submission like a badge of honor. But we realize its time to investigate more reliable, more practical rides. This has been especially difficult for Lisa who has driven a convertible for all but two years of our 15 years of marriage. She willfully consented earlier in the year to buy - and drive - a Ford Taurus, the poster child of utilititarian company cars . . . but she has nixed a proposal to purchase a second Taurus of the station wagon variety, leaving me to search for other, less expensive options.

So far she has adamantly vetoed my lobbying for a Minivan, laughing off the mere mention of the word Caravan. Her derision gets even worse when I plead the case of her father-in-law and brother-in-law being avowed Minivan owners and aren't above driving this mode of transportation!

But with all marriages come compromise and our friends from Dodge may bring reconciliation to our vehicular brouhaha in the form of a:

Convertible Minivan!

The concept automobile that may become reality in the next couple of years is called the Kahuna. This overstyled Minivan with room for six has maple laminate, Country Squire-like accents along the side panels - evoking a sense of the 1970s. The roof is a silver/gray water resistant canvas that is see-through. The retractable top extends the entire length of the minivan.

Surely, the Kahuna's open-air design and the Hawaiian motif will appeal to Lisa's"inner wild", while providing the practicality, space, and storage capacity that this future soccer mom will need.
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