Saturday, November 12, 2005



I realize that posting a blog without a photo is highly irregular but sometimes "A thousand words are worth a picture."
What a delightful evening we had on Friday with Mike and Lisa when we attended The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra's concert in the beautifully restored Tennessee Theatre. (It was a close call on that or the Sevierville/Oak Ridge football game----we ARE an eclectic foursome.)
We began our evening by dining at Cracker Barrel where we enjoyed a delicious Fish Friday meal. I will admit that I felt a bit overdressed sitting amongst the Big Orange Fans, the Tiger boosters, and the "good ole boys" from K-town, Murville, and one character who looked straight from Cocke County--not that there's anything wrong with that--Momma Nan probably has relatives over there.
Upon arriving at the theatre and taking our seats on the fourth row, Mike asked me if I wanted to stand up and ask the audience how many ate at Cracker Barrel. I declined as I did not wish to steel the thunder of the Maestro---in case he was prepared to pose the same query.
The first selection was a very moving piece entitled Skyscrapers. Everything was going swimmingly when during the second movement I detect a humming sound near us. Yes, some man was so moved by the music he was joining in. I couldn't believe it--I almost had a movement of my own. The second section of the program was Rhapsody in Blue -- a selection which this person was even more familiar with and he really got into this one big time. It turned out to be Rhapsody in Two.
At intermission as our group huddled together to compare notes there was much disagreement on where said humming was coming from. I allowed as it was the man next to Momma Nann. She said no --it was coming from the row in front of us. Lisa declared that it was the man behind us. Mike, as usual, not wanting to appear judgemental, stayed our of the fray and was content to enjoy the Sterophonic--Surround Sound effects. I believe he was not only a frustrated "back up singer--or hummer if you will" but also an amateur ventriloquist.
As a side note: Taking my leave to the men's room as is my custom, I was amused at the 15 or so white hairs and no hairs standing at the porcelean fixtures, taking twice as long as they wished and 10 times as long as the 15 white hairs and no hairs standing behind them who were impatiently rolling their eyes--- all the while the 15 necks in front were, as is the custom turned toward the ceiling. But I regress.
As we waited for intemission to conclude. someone speculated that maybe the Concert Master, who Mike referred to as First Chair, would point his bow to the "hummer" and allow him to get in tune. Not to be disappointed, as the violinist got up and lead the orchestra in tuning up, we began to hear the voulnteer hummer tuning up also. Leaning over to Lisa I suggested that we might just have an old fashioned Sing A Long. By this time our four seats were rocking and shaking like the pew at Pleasant Valley on Christmas Eve. We had paid $33.50 per ticket to be treated with this unexpected added attraction at no extra cost. Thankfully, the last part of the program was not familiar to him and he chose not to participate. I couldn't help but let my imagination run wild and see how this could actually "catch on" over time. I could envision the Concert Master facing the audience for a "tune-up period" and then several thousand high-brows sitting there and politely humming along with the orchestra. While this might seem unlikely, remember we are talking about East Tennesse here.
Of course, there is always someone who wants to try and improve on perfection. On the way home, Mike began whistling Rhapsody in Blue. I think he is looking to the next presentation where he can add another dimension the Knoxville Symphony by joining forces with our new-found musical friend.

I always find coughing and saying during the faux cough "shut the h*** up" is effective....more importantly, how and why does my brother have fourth row seats to a symphony? metro?? what wine goes best before a symphony? do they hand out knee pads before or after?
The phrase is ..."but I digress"
not "I regress!"
No Scott, in his case it is "I regress"
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