Sunday, April 16, 2006


Meet Me in St Louie, Louie

Above: Contemplating the $7.25 Budweiser

We had a great, emotionally and spiritually charged visit to the new crib of the Redbirds. We saw a 1-0 loss to the Reds, in what was the ultimate pitcher's duel.
The Ballpark has a great feel already and the skyline view is fabulous. Note to Mike: St Louis is still filled with ugly women.
We started the evening off with the obligatory pregame meal at Charlie Gitto's.....the Linguine Sciliatta was exceptional. Alas, Charlie was in the building for our early dinner...scuttlebutt has it that he may be in Chi town for a mob boss meeting.
Stayed at the Millenium Riverfront where I scored a $69 $16 to park - but the rooms were very nice and had a great view of the Tums building.
Saturday morning we visited "The Hill" in search of Yogi Berra and Joe Garagiolo's luck. However, we ran across a quaint little Italian bakery where canoli and ricotta puffs were available....this is a must stop from now on.
Mike Shannon's new restaraunt is in the building due west of the old a Hilton...looks pretty neat and they have an outdoor bar as well.
We still need to get a date for the family will be tough but yours truly is now a member of the Prime Seat Club....a very august group with very high standards for membership-----a $35 contribution!

Outstanding retrospective...I even got a vicarious taste of Gittos salad while reading your review. The first two photos are awesome skyline pictures that take a little of the sting out of being unable to see the arch-filled ring around the stadium. Great family photo of you and Marilyn with a few thousand of your closest friends. In the last picture, I detected a sense of melancholia (a mood that could only be picked up by someone who had to share a bed with you for 15 years)...the look shows a sense of deep regret for not purchasing a pair of old Busch Stadium seats when you had the chance and now being too ashamed to admit to your brothers that you would like to have a pair now.
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